The Khartoum Process is a platform for political cooperation amongst the countries along the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe. It aims at establishing a continuous dialogue for enhanced cooperation on migration and mobility. The process also seeks to support member states in identifying concrete projects to address trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants and other migration-related areas. Additionally, the Khartoum Process gives a new impetus to the regional collaboration between countries of origin, transit and destination regarding the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe.
For more about the Khartoum Process, please visit the About section or download the Khartoum Process Factsheet 2024.
The news section highlights key updates, news, and events from the Khartoum Process, showcasing progress, initiatives, and collaboration efforts in strengthening migration governance along the migration route from the Horn of Africa to Europe.
The Khartoum Process facilitates collaboration and information exchange among countries along the migration route between the Horn of Africa and Europe. Our activities include at the political level, Steering Committee Meetings and Senior Officials' Meeting and at the technical level, Thematic Meetings, Thematic Workshops and Trainings.
The Resources section offers a comprehensive repository of reports, policy documents and research papers that have been developed within the framework of the Khartoum Process.
The Gallery section showcases a visual journey of our key events, meetings and collaborative efforts. Explore this vibrant collection of photos that capture the essence of our initiatives and partnerships across the Khartoum Process region.