Strategic Framework

As per the Rome Declaration, the main focus of the dialogue is tackling human trafficking and people smuggling. Since then and due to the ever-changing nature of migration realities and challenges, the Khartoum Process has expanded its scope to address concerns within the five domains of the Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP) and beyond.


In November 2015, a Summit on Migration took place in Valletta, Malta. European and African Heads of State and Government gathered around the objective to strengthen cooperation between the two continents.

In a spirit of solidarity, partnership and shared responsibility, two texts were adopted:

  • political declaration underlining the concern of participating States and organisations regarding humanitarian consequences of irregular migration and their commitment towards the improvement of the management of migration flows.
  • The Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP), which lays down a series of priorities aiming at supporting Valletta Partners with the enhancement of migration governance between Europe and Africa. The JVAP became the regional framework to address migration policy. It is built around five domains, each addressing a specific area.

The five domains of the Joint Valletta Action Plan

The Joint Valletta Action Plan Follow up

The Khartoum Process and the Rabat Process were identified as suitable existing mechanisms to monitor the implementation of the JVAP.  Focal Points from these regional migration dialogues covering Europe, North, West, Central and East Africa, became JVAP Partners. The JVAP Follow-up is a stakeholder-driven process, JVAP Focal Points demonstrating ownership by providing as much information as possible on their initiatives to populate a Database. This reporting enables decision makers to develop fact-based migration policies and share good practices.

For more information on the JVAP Follow-up and its tools, please refer to the dedicated reference portal: