The Khartoum Process Thematic Meeting on Safe and Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration took place on 19–20 February 2025 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, co-hosted by Ethiopia and Switzerland. The meeting brought together around 100 participants, including representatives from member states, international organisations, civil society, academia, and the private sector, to discuss best practices and challenges related to return and reintegration.
Throughout the discussions, participants emphasised the importance of a holistic approach to reintegration, which should address economic, social, and psychosocial dimensions. Early and individualised counseling was highlighted as a key factor in supporting returnees before departure, ensuring they are adequately prepared for reintegration. Meanwhile, post-arrival assistance should focus on overcoming legal identity challenges, providing financial support, and aligning reintegration programmes with local labour market needs to foster long-term sustainability. The role of families and communities in reintegration was also a key topic, with concerns raised about social stigma and the need for inclusive support structures, including mental health services, to facilitate smoother reintegration.
The meeting reinforced the necessity of policy coordination and stronger partnerships at national and regional levels to enhance the effectiveness of return and reintegration programmes. Governments, international organisations, and local actors were called upon to enhance cooperation, ensure voluntary return is prioritised, and integrate reintegration strategies into broader development plans. Additionally, participants stressed the importance of streamlining administrative procedures to facilitate access to legal identity documents, a crucial element for returnees seeking employment, education, and healthcare.
Looking ahead, stakeholders committed to improving reintegration frameworks by increasing funding, strengthening coordination, expanding psychosocial support, engaging the private sector in employment opportunities, and leveraging diaspora contributions for knowledge transfer and investment.